ERCOT Monitor Reports
Highlights and Detailed Monthly Reports for Meetings of:
–Board of Directors
–Technical Advisory Committee
–Commercial Operations Subcommittee
–Wholesale Market Subcommittee
–Retail Market Subcommittee
–Other Meetings as Appropriate
Report: ERCOT’s Regional Planning Group (RPG) Meeting 12/15/15
Copyright 2015 by Competitive Assets, LLC. All rights reserved
At its December meeting, the Regional Planning Group reviewed Panhandle studies and assumptions in the Long-term System Assessment. Participants also discussed studies for Lubbock integration.
- The Regional Planning Group (RPG) met on 12/15/15.
- ERCOT staff provided an update on the Regional Haze plan for Texas.
- ERCOT staff reported that the proposed 2015 Regional Transmission Plan (RTP).
- ERCOT staff presented information in the 2016 LTSA (Long-Term System Assessment).
- ERCOT staff presented information on the Lubbock Power and Light (LPL) Load Integration Study Scope and Lubbock Integration Study.
- ERCOT staff presented an update on the Panhandle studies.
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Report: ERCOT’s Retail Market Subcommittee (RMS) Meeting 12/9/15
Copyright 2015 by Competitive Assets, LLC. All rights reserved
At its December meeting, the Retail Market Subcommittee reviewed several revision requests, discussed changes to the System Level Agreement, and heard updates on retail transaction metrics.
- The Retail Market Subcommittee (RMS) considered several revision requests.
- The Vice Chair of the Commercial Operations Subcommittee (COPS) reported about a possible meeting to discuss settlement issues.
- The Chair of RMS provided an update on the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) meeting.
- RMS considered revisions to the 2016 Retail System Level Agreement.
- From the Texas Data Transport and MarkeTrak Systems (TDTMS) Working Group update, RMS reviewed the Implementation Guide and Procedures.
- During the TXSET Working Group update, the Chair said that the group is reviewing the Retail Market Guide (RMG) Safety Net Language.
- The Retail Market Training Task Force (RMTTF) is aiming to have some instructor-led classes.
- ERCOT staff presented the December Inadvertent Gain (IAG) numbers.
- ERCOT staff presented the Third Quarter 2015 Performance Measures.
- ERCOT staff presented the Flight Testing Update.
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Report: ERCOT’s Commercial Operations Subcommittee (COPS) Meeting 12/9/15
Copyright 2015 by Competitive Assets, LLC. All rights reserved
At its December meeting, the Commercial Operations Subcommittee reviewed a non-registered Distributed Generation report, considered the creation of a new working group, and agreed on a meeting to discuss settlement issues.
- The Commercial Operations Subcommittee (COPS) discussed a proposal to abolish the Market Information System User Group (MISUG).
- ERCOT staff presented the 2015 Third Quarter Non-Registered DG Installed Capacity and Current DG Registration Threshold Report.
- The COPS Chair presented an update on the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) meeting.
- COPS considered a couple of revision requests.
- The Retail Market Subcommittee (RMS) Chair provided an update on the RMS’ work.
- ERCOT staff reported on the Market Data Transparency IT systems.
- The Vice Chair of Profiling Working Group provided an update.
- The CSWG Chair reported on NPRR742, Congestion Revenue Right (CRR) Balancing Account Invoice Data Cuts.
- The COPS Chair suggested having a meeting to discuss settlement issues.
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Report: ERCOT’s Board of Directors (BOD) Meeting 12/8/15
Copyright 2015 by Competitive Assets, LLC. All rights reserved
At its December meeting, the ERCOT Board considered a number of NPRRs, discussed a new transmission project, and reviewed revisions to the Ancillary Service Methodology
- The ERCOT Board considered a number of revision requests.
- The ERCOT CEO reported on net revenues, the weather, and wind penetration.
- The Independent Market Monitor (IMM) reported on the recent prices, online reserves, and the level of the Peaker Net Margin (PNM).
- ERCOT staff presented an update on the new 2016 Methodology for Determining Minimum Ancillary Service Requirements.
- The Board reviewed the proposed Panhandle Regional Planning Group Project.
- The Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) Chair presented the TAC report.
- From the reports of the two Board committees, the members considered the Acceptance of 2015 Service Organization Control (SSAE 16) Audit Report and revisions to Key Performance Indicators.
- This was the last Board meeting of ERCOT CEO Trip Doggett, who resigned in June. On 1/1/16, he will be replaced by Bill Magness.
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Report: ERCOT’s Wholesale Market Subcommittee (WMS) Meeting 12/2/15
Copyright 2015 by Competitive Assets, LLC. All rights reserved
At its December meeting, the Wholesale Market Subcommittee reviewed several revision requests, discussed the impact of environmental rules on reliability, and heard an update on how to respond to Commissioner Anderson’s October memo.
- The Wholesale Market Subcommittee (WMS) considered NPRR741, Clarifications to Total Potential Exposure (TPE) and Estimated Aggregate Liability (EAL) Credit Exposure Calculations, and NPRR696, Price Correction Process Following a Security Constrained Economic Dispatch (SCED) Failure.
- WMS discussed issues related to the Reliability Must Run (RMR) designation in the context of new environmental rules.
- The issue of ‘pre-positioning the transmission system for planned outages’ was referred to a working group.
- WMS considered NPRR738, Emergency Response Service (ERS) Performance Calculations during TDSP Outages, and NPRR739, Prohibiting Load Resources Associated with a Dynamically Scheduled Resource.
- From the report of the Resource Cost Working Group (RCWG), WMS considered VCMRR012, Alignment with NPRR732, Adjustments to Verifiable Costs for Required Resubmissions and Clarification of Reliability Unit Commitment (RUC) Forced Outage and Cancellation Procedures.
- From the report of the QSE Managers’ Working Group (QMWG), participants discussed what changes may be needed to assure compliance with NERC BAL-003 (effective in April 2016).
- The Chair of the Market Credit Working Group (MCWG) reported on a presentation by ICE on forward-curve data.
- The Chair of the Supply Analysis Working Group (SAWG) presented the Operating Reserve Demand Curve (ORDC) Options Whitepaper.
- WMS members discussed ERCOT’s Multi-Interval Real-Time Market (MIRTM) Study.
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Report: ERCOT’s Regional Planning Group (RPG) Meeting 11/20/15
Copyright 2015 by Competitive Assets, LLC. All rights reserved
At its November meeting, the Regional Planning Group heard updates on the Valley projects, Long-term System Assessment Load Forecasts, and Regional Transmission Plan. The group also discussed the ERCOT/Lubbock integration.
- The Regional Planning Group (RPG) met on 11/20/15.
- ERCOT staff announced a new workshop.
- ERCOT staff reported on the TAC discussion about the Panhandle Upgrades project.
- ERCOT staff reported that the ISO is finalizing several transmission-related reports.
- The Planning Working Group (PLWG) is drafting a new Nodal Protocol Revision Request (NPRR).
- ERCOT staff presented information in the 2016 Long-term System Assessment (LTSA) Load Forecasts.
- RPG heard an update on the Lubbock integration with ERCOT.
- ERCOT staff explained that the ISO was approached by another RTO to set up a new DC Tie.
- ERCOT staff presented the 2016 Regional Transmission Plan (RTP) Study Scope.
- ERCOT staff presented a status update on two Lower Rio Grande Valley projects.
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Report: ERCOT’s Credit Working Group and Market Credit Working Group (CWG/MCWG) Meeting 11/18/15
Copyright 2015 by Competitive Assets, LLC. All rights reserved
At their November meeting, the two credit groups reviewed several NPRRs, heard a presentation on electricity forward curves, and discussed ‘market risk appetite.’ Participants also discussed revisions to the Day-Ahead Market ‘e’ factors.
- The Credit Working Group (CWG) and Market Credit Working Group (MCWG) met jointly on 11/18/15.
- The groups reviewed several Nodal Protocol Revision Requests (NPRRs) for credit implications.
- A representative of ICE made a presentation on Electricity Forward Curves, as part of an effort to address credit issues.
- The credit groups discussed the development of ‘market risk appetite goal,’ and reviewed data in the Credit Exposure and Expected Loss presentation.
- ERCOT staff presented the Day-Ahead Market (DAM) Collateral Factors.
- At the end, ERCOT staff provided additional Credit Updates.
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Report: ERCOT’s Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) Meeting 11/19/15
Copyright 2015 by Competitive Assets, LLC. All rights reserved
At the 11/19/15 meeting of the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC), participants considered a number of revision requests and a possible appeal of a TAC action. They also addressed how to proceed with several projects, including Future Ancillary Services and Distributed Energy Resources. For more about the meeting,
- The Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) considered several Nodal Protocol Revision Requests (NPRRs), some of which were discussed at length.
- From the report of the Wholesale Market Subcommittee (WMS), TAC reviewed the 2016 Congestion Revenue Right (CRR) Activity Calendar.
- TAC members debated the concept for ‘LMP minus Proxy $G’ and whether it is consistent with TAC’s previous directive.
- From the reports by RMS and ROS, TAC considered several revision requests.
- ERCOT staff provided an update on the Future Ancillary Services (FAS) project, noting that a report from the Brattle Group is still pending.
- TAC members discussed how to proceed with the FAS project and whether it has merit.
- The Chair of the Distributed Resources Energy and Ancillaries Market Task Force provided an update, noting that he is working on a list of issues.
- ERCOT staff presented a project for Panhandle Upgrades. There was a long discussion about its merits.
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Report: ERCOT’s Wholesale Market Subcommittee (WMS) Meeting 11/04/15
Copyright 2015 by Competitive Assets, LLC. All rights reserved
At its November meeting, the Wholesale Market Subcommittee spent much of the time discussing its assignment to analyze the performance of the Operating Reserve Demand Curve. Participants also reviewed a couple of draft revision requests and addressed several issues related to voltage reduction.
- The Wholesale Market Subcommittee (WMS) considered the 2016 Congestion Revenue Right (CRR) Activity Calendar.
- Much of the meeting was devoted to the discussion of an assignment from the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) to address issues raised in Commissioner Anderson’s memo on the functioning of the Operating Reserve Demand Curve (ORDC) and Multi-Interval Security Constrained Economic Dispatch (SCED).
- ERCOT staff presented a draft Nodal Operating Guide Revision Request (NOGRR) on ‘Revision of Voltage Control Requirements’ (XXXNOGRR 01 Alignment of NPRRXXX Revision of Voltage Control Requirement).
- The Chair of the Market Credit Working Group (MCWG) discussed a proposal to file an NPRR to revise Minimum Credit Exposure (MCE) to have a floor for load exposure.
- The Chair of the Resource Cost Working Group (RCWG) reported that the group is continuing to discuss the process of appealing Verifiable Cost rejections.
- The Chair of SAWG reported that NERC’s Planning Committee is reviewing Long-term Reliability Assessment (LTRA).
- ERCOT staff presented an update on AMS Metered Registered Generators.
- The subcommittee members discussed how to proceed with the Multi-Interval Real-Time Market proposal.
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Report: ERCOT’s Retail Market Subcommittee (RMS) Meeting 11/03/15
Copyright 2015 by Competitive Assets, LLC. All rights reserved
At the 11/3/15 meeting of the Retail Market Subcommittee, RMS goals, member responsibilities, and voting structure were reviewed, among other reports and activities.
- The Retail Market Subcommittee (RMS) kept tabled one Nodal Protocol Revision Request and a Retail Market Guide Revision Request.
- RMS endorsed an SCR, and RMGRR, and revised RMS Procedures.
- ERCOT staff presented information on the RMS member responsibilities and voting structure.
- The RMS Chair reviewed the 2015 RMS Goals and their completion process/timing.
- The Texas Data Transport and MarkeTrak Systems (TDTMS) Working Group will create a list of issues related to switch-holds to be addressed at a future meeting.
- From the TXSET Working Group update, RMS approved the revised Texas Market Test Plan.
- The Chair of the Advanced Metering Working Group (AMWG) presented a new Change Request (CR), and RMS approved it.
- The Retail Market Training Task Force (RMTTF) has completed some training modules.
- ERCOT staff reported on the Inadvertent Gain (IAG) Statistics.
- ERCOT staff presented the Flight Testing 1015 Update.
- ERCOT staff reported on the Retail Market IT systems with regard to the System Level Agreement (SLA) targets in October.
- The RMS Chair presented updates on two RMS workshops; she also said that she will request the tabling of an NPRR.
- The December meeting date has been changed.
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Report: ERCOT’s Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) Meeting 10/29/15
Copyright 2015 by Competitive Assets, LLC. All rights reserved
In October, the Technical Advisory Committee reviewed a number of revision requests and discussed the 2016 Ancillary Service procurement methodology. The Committee also heard an update on the impact of the Clean Power Plan and a new proposal for how to settle loads (i.e., LMP-Proxy $G).
- The Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) considered a number of Nodal Protocol Revision Requests and other revision requests.
- The Chair of the Protocol Revision Subcommittee (PRS) said that workshops are planned for certain revision requests.
- The TAC Chair announced a new ERCOT representative for TAC.
- The Reliability and Operations Subcommittee has new leadership.
- The Chair of the Retail Market Subcommittee (RMS) provided an update.
- ERCOT staff reported on the upgrade of the Energy Management System (EMS).
- The Chair of the Commercial Operations Subcommittee (COPS) provided an update.
- ERCOT staff provided an update on the Future Ancillary Services (FAS) project.
- The Chair of the Distributed Resources Energy and Ancillaries Market Task Force (DREAM TF) discussed the possibility of drafting an NPRR once decisions are finalized.
- ERCOT staff explained their analysis of the revised Clean Power Plan and its impact on the ERCOT market.
- The Chair of the Loads in SCED sub-group presented a proposal for LMP-Proxy $G, and TAC members discussed how to proceed with it.
- ERCOT staff presented revisions to the 2016 Ancillary Services (AS) Methodology.
- ERCOT staff explained a problem related to the interaction of EEA, PRC, and ORDC.
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Report: ERCOT’s Commercial Operations Subcommittee (COPS) Meeting 10/14/15
Copyright 2015 by Competitive Assets, LLC. All rights reserved
In October, the Commercial Operations Subcommittee discussed several revision requests, reviewed a recent systems outage at ERCOT, and heard updates on a couple of recent workshops.
- The Commercial Operations Subcommittee (COPS) discussed a suggestion to hold meetings on the same day as the Retail Market Subcommittee (RMS).
- COPS considered several revision requests.
- The RMS Chair reported on the group’s activities and revision requests under review.
- ERCOT staff reported on a recent IT outage.
- ERCOT staff provided an update on the COPS Settlement Stability Report Q3 2015.
- ERCOT staff presented an update on the Advanced Meter System (AMS) Metered Registered Generator.
- The Chair of the Profiling Working Group (PWG) discussed the proposed virtual weather zone.
- A third workshop on External Web Services (EWS) Modifications was held on 10/8/15.
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Report: ERCOT’s Wholesale Market Subcommittee (WMS) Meeting 10/7/15
Copyright 2015 by Competitive Assets, LLC. All rights reserved
Last week at its meeting, the Wholesale Market Subcommittee reviewed a number of revision requests and discussed at length the new 2016 Ancillary Services Methodology. Participants also debated how to proceed with the LMP-G and Real-time Co-optimization concepts.
- The Wholesale Market Subcommittee (WMS) considered a number of NPRRs and other revision requests.
- By far the longest discussion at WMS was on the proposed 2016 Methodologies for Determining Ancillary Service Requirements.
- The second item that was extensively debated was a proposal for Loads in SCED – Locational Marginal Pricing (LMP) minus G.
- The WMS also addressed a proposal from the Resource Cost Working Group (RCWG) to have a two-level appeal process for verifiable cost (VC) disputes.
- WMS discussed issues around the Real-Time Co-Optimization concept.
- The Chair of the Emerging Technologies Working Group (ETWG) reported that the group has reviewed several papers on storage issues.
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Report: ERCOT’s Retail Market Subcommittee (RMS) Meeting 10/6/15
Copyright 2015 by Competitive Assets, LLC. All rights reserved
At its October meeting, the Retail Market Subcommittee considered several revision requests, reviewed an updated analysis of the REP Demand Response Survey, and received additional details about a recent retail systems outage.
- The Retail Market Subcommittee (RMS) considered several revision requests, including some Impact Analyses.
- TNMP and Sharyland representatives reported that the recent outages to update their systems went well, with no problems.
- The newly created Texas Data Transport and MarkeTrak Systems (TDTMS) working group has been developing its new scope and revised procedures.
- RMS discussed the new Test Flight schedule.
- The Chair of the Advanced Metering Working Group (AMWG) reported on the Smart Meter Texas (SMT) maintenance window.
- The Retail Market Training Task Force has completed some training modules.
- ERCOT staff reported on the Second Quarter 2015 Performance Measures.
- ERCOT staff reported on the Inadvertent Statistics for July 2015.
- ERCOT staff reported that Retail Market IT systems met all of the System Level Agreement (SLA) targets, and provided more detail on ERCOT’s IT outages.
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Report: ERCOT’s Distributed Resources Energy and Ancillaries Market Task Force (DREAM TF) Meeting 9/28/15
Copyright 2015 by Competitive Assets, LLC. All rights reserved
At its 9/28/15 meeting, the Distributed Resource Energy and Ancillaries Markets (DREAM) Task Force heard an overview of the current rules on Distributed Generation and discussed some of the challenges to the integration of DERs into the ERCOT market.
- The Distributed Resources Energy and Ancillaries Market Task Force (DREAM TF) held its second meeting. It plans to meet monthly for the foreseeable future.
- A Oncor representative reviewed a presentation on the current DG framework in competitive areas of ERCOT.
- Most of the day was spent discussing the presentation and various details related to the registration, interconnection, reporting, and metering of Distributed Energy Resources (DERs).
- Stakeholders noted that ERCOT is currently considering several revision requests related to Distributed Generation.
- ERCOT staff made a presentation on DER Aggregations.
- The TF reviewed issues around Reporting and Distribution Awareness SME Distribution.
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Report: ERCOT’s Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) Meeting 9/24/15
Copyright 2015 by Competitive Assets, LLC. All rights reserved
At its September meeting, the Technical Advisory Committee had a long discussion about a fuel-related NPRR, considered a new transmission project, and agreed that a cost/benefit analysis would be need for a potential Real-time Co-optimization project.
- The Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) considered a number of NPRRs.
- The TAC members discussed the outcome of the TAC/TAC Subcommittee Structural Review.
- From the ROS report, TAC heard an update on the Under-Frequency Load Shedding (UFLS) survey results.
- Also, TAC discussed the Outage Coordination Improvement Task Force (OCITF) report and related votes.
- The Chair of the Retail Market Subcommittee (RMS) provided an update, noting upcoming outages.
- ERCOT staff provided an update on the Future Ancillary Services (FAS) project.
- From the report of the Wholesale Market Subcommittee (WMS), TAC discussed issues related to the Real-Time Co-optimization.
- The Chair of the Distributed Resources Energy and Ancillaries Market Task Force mentioned that there will be a meeting on 9/28/15.
- ERCOT staff presented a new proposal for a transmission project.
- At the end, the TAC Chair noted several personnel changes at ERCOT.
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Report: ERCOT’s Commercial Operations Subcommittee (COPS) Meeting 9/9/15
Copyright 2015 by Competitive Assets, LLC. All rights reserved
At the September meeting, the Commercial Operations Subcommittee considered several revision requests, discussed an update on the potential new weather zone, and reviewed the Settlement Stability Report.
- The Commercial Operations Subcommittee (COPS) considered several revision requests.The Retail Market Subcommittee (RMS) Chair reported on the work of RMS.
- ERCOT staff reported that the Market Data Transparency IT systems met all System Level Agreement (SLA) targets in August.
- ERCOT staff provided an update on the Settlement Stability Report Q2 Net Allocation Changes v2.
- The Chair of the Profiling Working Group (PWG) provided an update on the group’s work related to Protocol Section 18, Load Profiling.
- Slides for the Communications and Settlement Working Group (CSWG) were posted.
- COPS reviewed an update from the Market Information System User Group (MISUG).
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Report: ERCOT’s Wholesale Market Subcommittee (WMS) Meeting 9/2/15
Copyright 2015 by Competitive Assets, LLC. All rights reserved
At the September meeting of the Wholesale Market Subcommittee, participants reviewed a number of revision requests and discussed next steps for the Real-time Co-optimization projects. They also debated how to improve the management of stability limits.
- The Wholesale Market Subcommittee (WMS) considered several Nodal Protocol Revision Requests.
- The Chair of the Congestion Management Working Group (CMWG) reported on the balance in the Congestion Revenue Right (CRR) Balancing Account.
- The WMS members addressed with ERCOT staff the ISO’s performance this summer.
- From the report of the Verifiable Cost Working Group (VCWG), WMS reviewed VC Manual Revision Request VCMRR010, Alignment with NPRR714, Real-Time Make-Whole Payment for Exceptional Fuel Cost.
- The Chair of the Supply Analysis Working Group (SAWG) reported on a white paper titled ‘Real-Time Co-Optimization (RTC) and Multi-Interval Real-Time Market.’
- The proposed concept for LMP-G (Locational Marginal Pricing) may be discussed at the October WMS.
- The Chair of the Emerging Technologies Working Group (ETWG) reported on the progress of the short-term solar forecast.
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Report: ERCOT’s Retail Market Subcommittee (RMS) Meeting 9/1/15
Copyright 2015 by Competitive Assets, LLC. All rights reserved
In addition to the consideration of revision requests and a Change Request, the September Retail Market Subcommittee heard updates from ERCOT staff on a new weather zone, Demand Response survey, and a web services certificate.
- The Retail Market Subcommittee (RMS) considered several revision requests.
- ERCOT staff gave an update on their effort to develop a new weather zone in the Rio Grande Valley.
- The RMS Chair reported on the Technical Advisory Committee’s (TAC’s) Structural and Procedural TAC/TAC Subcommittee Review.
- The update from the Commercial Operations Subcommittee (COPS) focused on the proposed NPRR702, Flexible Accounts, Payment of Invoices, and Disposition of Interest on Cash Collateral.
- A Sharyland representative updated RMS on the utility’s upcoming switch of its EDI provider.
- RMS agreed to create a new working group.
- ERCOT staff provided an update on the External Web Services Secure Sockets Layer certificate.
- RMS discussed the cost estimate for an Advanced Metering Working Group’s Change Request (CR) 2015 041.
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Report: ERCOT’s Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) Meeting 8/27/15
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At the August Technical Advisory Committee meeting, participants reviewed a number of revision requests, discussed how to proceed on the Real-Time Co-optimization project, and got an update from ERCOT staff on errors in operations that had been recently discovered.
- The Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) considered several revision requests.
- The TAC members discussed the use of manual work-arounds, particularly in cases when an automated solution becomes too expensive.
- The COPS Chair discussed a proposal for a new weather zone in the Valley.
- ERCOT staff provided an update on the Future Ancillary Services (FAS) project.
- From the report of the Wholesale Market Subcommittee (WMS), TAC discussed issues related to the Real-Time Co-optimization and how to proceed with the potential project.
- TAC heard an update from the new Distributed Resources Energy and Ancillaries Market Task Force.
- ERCOT staff provided the Analysis of Reserves and Prices, showing the function of the Operating Reserve Demand Curve.
- ERCOT staff reported on additional operations errors that were recently discovered, and discussed ways to avoid similar occurrences in the future.
- Under Other Business, TAC considered a change to the TAC procedures and the 2016 meeting schedule.
- In the afternoon, some TAC members met to work on the TAC/TAC Subcommittee Structural and Procedural Review.
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Report: ERCOT’s Commercial Operations Subcommittee (COPS) Meeting 8/12/15
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At its August meeting, the Commercial Operations Subcommittee considered several revision requests, discussed data from the Settlement Stability and Unregistered DG reports, and heard an update on ERCOT’s plans for market training.
- The Commercial Operations Subcommittee (COPS) considered Load Profiling Guide Revision Request LPGRR055, Extend Load Profile Model Calendar Inputs to 2030.
- COPS discussed ERCOT plans to develop a new weather zone in the Rio Grande Valley.
- COPS considered NPRR702, Flexible Accounts, Payment of Invoices, and Disposition of Interest on Cash Collateral.
- COPS considered stakeholder comments on NPRR719, Removal of Trigger and Requirement to Reduce the Distributed Generation (DG) Registration Threshold, and COPMGRR040, Alignment with NPRR719, Removal of Trigger and Requirement to Reduce the DG Registration Threshold.
- ERCOT staff presented the Non-Registered DG Installed Capacity and Current DG Registration Threshold Quarterly Report.
- ERCOT staff reported that the Market Data Transparency IT systems met all System Level Agreement (SLA) targets in July. There were some planned outages, though.
- ERCOT staff provided an update on COPS Settlement Stability Report Q2 2015.
- The Chair of the Profiling Working Group (PWG) provided an update, noting that the group will spend the next meeting in a full review of Protocol Section 18, Load Profiling.
- COPS reviewed an update from the Market Information System User Group (MISUG).
- ERCOT staff presented their training plan for market participants.
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Report: ERCOT’s Board of Directors (BOD) Meeting 8/11/15
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At its August meeting, the ERCOT Board considered a number of NPRRs, received certain recommendations from the IMM David Patton, and heard updates from staff on the recent period of high temperatures and demand. Also, it confirmed new titles for several members of the management team.
- The ERCOT Board approved on consent a number of NPRRs and other items.
- The ERCOT CEO reported, among other items, that: (a) net revenues have recovered somewhat with the higher temperatures, but a negative variance is still expected at year-end; (b) Release 5 in September will implement several NPRRs and system changes; and (c) the ERCOT market has been deemed most competitive in the U.S. in a recent survey.
- The CEO presented a number of interns who have successfully participated in ERCOT’s summer intern program.
- ERCOT staff reported on the recent period of high temperatures and increased demand, noting that on 8/10/15, it exceeded 69,000MW for the first time in ERCOT’s history.
- ERCOT’s meteorologist reported that temperatures have been higher than originally predicted.
- The Independent Market Monitor (IMM) reported on a recommendation from the 2014 State of the Market Report, which concluded that improvements to the commitment and dispatch of peaking resources (and other resources that can respond quickly) ought to be pursued in ERCOT.
- The Vice Chair of the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) reported that TAC set up the Distributed Resource Energy and Ancillaries Market (DREAM) Task Force; heard an update on the Energy Management System (EMS) coding error; and is planning for the TAC/TAC Subcommittee Goals and Structural and Procedural Review.
- ERCOT Board also considered several voting items.
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Report: ERCOT Wholesale Market Subcommittee (WMS) Meeting 8/5/15
Copyright 2015 by Competitive Assets, LLC. All rights reserved
At its August meeting, the Wholesale Market Subcommittee considered a number of NPRRs, assessed recommendations of the Outage Coordination Improvement Task Force, and discussed issues related to stability limits.
- The Wholesale Market Subcommittee (WMS) considered a number of Nodal Protocol Revision Requests (NPRRs).
- ERCOT staff reported on the development of a Generic Transmission Constraint (GTC) in one area.
- WMS discussed options from the Outage Coordination Improvement Task Force (OCITF) report.
- The WMS Chair referred questions around the Energy Management System (EMS) coding error to a working group
- The Chair of the Emerging Technologies Working Group (ETWG) reported that ERCOT is still in the selection process for a vendor to provide solar forecast.
- The Chair of the Market Credit Working Group (MCWG) reported that the two credit groups discussed alternatives to NPRR638, Revisions to Certain Price Components of Estimated Aggregate Liability (EAL).
- The Chair of the Demand Side Working Group reported that the work of the Loads in SCED v2 Subgroup has raised a number of policy issues.
To read more, please subscribe to ERCOT Monitor Reports. If you are interested in purchasing this ERCOT Monitor Reports issue, please click here. If you are interested in subscribing ERCOT Monitor Reports, please click here or call Competitive Assets at 512-581-0151.
Report: ERCOT’s Retail Market Subcommittee (RMS) Meeting 8/4/15
Copyright 2015 by Competitive Assets, LLC. All rights reserved
At its August meeting, the Retail Market Subcommittee considered a number of revision requests and Change Requests, discussed possible upgrades to certain retail systems, and heard updates by ERCOT staff on several retail issues. Participants also discussed potential improvements to the reporting of Inadvertent Gains.
- The Retail Market Subcommittee (RMS) voted on several Retail Market Guide Revision Requests, Change Requests, NPRRs, and System Change Requests.
- ERCOT staff presented an update on their effort to develop a new weather zone.
- A representative of the Joint Development and Operating Agreement (JDOA) reported in more detail on the March outage at the Smart Meter Texas (SMT).
- The RMS Chair reported that the Joint RMS/Wholesale Market Subcommittee (WMS) Workshop I: Improving Third-Party Access to SMT was held on 7/23-24/15, and was very well attended.
- The Co-Chair of the MarkeTrak Task Force said that the training sessions on the Inadvertent Gains (IAG) processes was successful and well attended.
- RMS members discussed the possibility of upgrading several retail systems.
- ERCOT staff reported on the following topics:
- ERCOT IT Report August 2015 Inadvertent Switch (IAS) Impact by REP June 2015 MarkeTrak Upgrade 2015
- RMS August 2015 Project Update.
- July 2015 IAG Numbers
- Flight Testing Update
- August RMS Legacy Tool Migration Update
To read more, please subscribe to ERCOT Monitor Reports. If you are interested in purchasing this ERCOT Monitor Reports issue, please click here. If you are interested in subscribing ERCOT Monitor Reports, please click here or call Competitive Assets at 512-581-0151.
Report: ERCOT’s Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) Meeting 7/30/15
Copyright 2015 by Competitive Assets, LLC. All rights reserved
The July TAC had a full meeting, with updates on the Future Ancillary Service redesign, a coding error in the Energy Management System, and the Voltage Reduction Task Force. Participants also considered a number of NPRRs and the possibly unintended effect of one revision request.
- The Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) considered a number of Nodal Protocol Revision Requests and other revision requests.
- TAC discussed how to manage older NPRRs that have yet to be implemented.
- TAC heard an update on the work of the Voltage Reduction Task Force.
- Luminant made a presentation on what the company believes are unintended consequences of NPRR639, Corrections to Minimum Current Exposure (MCE), and asked TAC to change a related T5 parameter.
- The Chair of the Commercial Operations Subcommittee (COPS) provided an update.
- ERCOT staff and the Brattle Group representatives provided an hour-long update on the Future Ancillary Services (FAS) project.
- The TAC members also discussed how to proceed on NPRR714, Real-Time Make-Whole Payment for Exceptional Fuel Cost.
- TAC heard an update from the new DREAM TF (Distributed Resources Energy and Ancillaries Market Task Force).
- ERCOT staff presented an update on the Energy Management System (EMS) coding error that was recently discovered.
- TAC discussed a possible Revision Request Alignment with the 2015 TAC Goals.
To read more, please subscribe to ERCOT Monitor Reports. If you are interested in purchasing this ERCOT Monitor Reports issue, please click here. If you are interested in subscribing ERCOT Monitor Reports, please click here or call Competitive Assets at 512-581-0151.
Report: ERCOT’s Credit Working Group and Market Credit Working Group Meeting 7/22/15
Copyright 2015 by Competitive Assets, LLC. All rights reserved
In July, the credit groups reviewed several NPRRs, including draft ones to address certain problems, and heard a presentation from Argus on Forward Curves. They also briefly reviewed an item on third-party clearing of congestion rights at the ISO-NE.
- The Credit Working Group (CWG) and Market Credit Working Group (MCWG) met jointly on 7/22/15.
- The groups reviewed several Nodal Protocol Revision Requests (NPRRs). Draft NPRRs on certain topics were also considered.
- A representative of Argus made a presentation on Forward Curves, as part of an effort to address credit issues.
- The staff discussed the need to correct or clean up some credit Protocol language.
- Luminant representatives presented comments/calculations on NPRR639, Corrections to Minimum Current Exposure (MCE), to fix certain problems.
- Participants also briefly reviewed an item on third-party clearing of congestion rights at the ISO-NE.
- At the end, ERCOT staff provided additional Credit Updates.
To read more, please subscribe to ERCOT Monitor Reports. If you are interested in purchasing this ERCOT Monitor Reports issue, please click here. If you are interested in subscribing ERCOT Monitor Reports, please click here or call Competitive Assets at 512-581-0151.
Report: ERCOT’s Commercial Operations Subcommittee (COPS) Meeting 7/15/15
Copyright 2015 by Competitive Assets, LLC. All rights reserved
At its July meeting, the Commercial Operations Subcommittee considered a number of revision requests – both filed and draft; received updates from ERCOT staff on several recent changes; and reviewed updates from its working groups.
- The Commercial Operations Subcommittee (COPS) met on 7/15/15.
- COPS considered Load Profiling Guide Revision Request LPGRR055, Extend Load Profile Model Calendar Inputs to 2030.
- COPS also considered several filed and draft Nodal Protocol Revision Requests (NPRRs).
- The Retail Market Subcommittee (RMS) Chair reported that the group in early June considered:
- – RMGRR130, Alignment of Section 7, Market Processes, with TDSP Terms & Conditions Tariff
- – RMGRR129, Revision to Customer Rescission Completion Timeline
- – RMGRR132, Non-Opt-In Entity (NOIE) Disconnect and Reconnect Process – tabled, and referred to the TX Set Working Group to review
- – Retail Market Guide Revision Request RMGRR131, Guidelines for Notification of Invoice Dispute
- ERCOT staff reported the data on the Market Data Transparency IT systems.
- ERCOT staff explained changes to the revision request form.
- ERCOT staff provided an update on the proposed Settlement Stability Report.
- The Chair of the Communications and Settlement Working Group (CSWG) provided an update.
- The Chair of the Profiling Working Group (PWG) provided an update.
- COPS also reviewed slides from the Market Information System User Group (MISUG).
To read more, please subscribe to ERCOT Monitor Reports. If you are interested in purchasing this ERCOT Monitor Reports issue, please click here. If you are interested in subscribing ERCOT Monitor Reports, please click here or call Competitive Assets at 512-581-0151.
Report: ERCOT’s Wholesale Market Subcommittee (WMS) Meeting 7/8/15
Copyright 2015 by Competitive Assets, LLC. All rights reserved
At the July meeting of the Wholesale Market Subcommittee, participants reviewed a number of NPRRs, discussed price correction procedures, and considered changes to the Verifiable Cost Manual. They also heard a conceptual presentation from ERCOT staff on the Real-Time Co-optimization.
- The Wholesale Market Subcommittee (WMS) considered several Nodal Protocol Revision Requests (NPRRs).
- The Chair of QMWG reported that additional comments will be drafted on certain NPRRs under consideration.
- ERCOT staff made a presentation on the Supplemental AS Market (SASM) costs and allocations.
- WMS discussed the issue of price corrections.
- The Chair of the Congestion Management Working Group (CMWG) reported that the group reviewed ‘dynamic line rating telemetry’ procedures.
- From the Resource Cost Working Group (RCWG), WMS discussed Verifiable Cost Manual Revision Request VCMRR009, Calculation of the Minimum Requirements Fee, and VCMRR008, Alignment with NPRR700, Utilizing Actual Fuel Cost in Startup Offer Caps.
- Related to the Supply Analysis Working Group (SAWG) update, ERCOT staff explained in greater detail their proposal for Real-Time Co-optimization of Energy and AS and Co-ordination of Power Balance Penalty Curve, Value of Lost Load (VOLL), and System-wide Offer Cap (SWCAP) for AS Demand Curves.The Chair of the Emerging Technologies Working Group (ETWG) reported on the 6/18/15 workshop on Distributed Energy Resources (DERs).
To read more, please subscribe to ERCOT Monitor Reports. If you are interested in purchasing this ERCOT Monitor Reports issue, please click here. If you are interested in subscribing ERCOT Monitor Reports, please click here or call Competitive Assets at 512-581-0151.
Report: ERCOT’s Demand Side Working Group (DSWG) Meeting 7/9/15
Copyright 2015 by Competitive Assets, LLC. All rights reserved
The Demand Side Working Group spent most of its July meeting going over the details of the concept of ‘Locational Marginal Price (LMP) – G,’ including a review of a number of policy issues. There was a general acknowledgement that this is a very complex topic.
- The Demand Side Working Group (DSWG) met on 7/9/15.
- The group reviewed its goals for 2015.
- Most of the meeting was devoted to the review of Locational Marginal Price (LMP) – G Policy Issues.
- Participants acknowledged the complexity of the subject matter.
- In the end, they agreed on a path forward.
- ERCOT staff made a presentation on Emergency Response Service (ERS) developments.
To read more, please subscribe to ERCOT Monitor Reports. If you are interested in purchasing this ERCOT Monitor Reports issue, please click here. If you are interested in subscribing ERCOT Monitor Reports, please click here or call Competitive Assets at 512-581-0151.
Report: ERCOT’s Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) Meeting 6/25/15
Copyright 2015 by Competitive Assets, LLC. All rights reserved
On 6/25/15, the Technical Advisory Committee met in an informational session to hear updates from ERCOT staff on the Ancillary Services redesign, budget process, and Distributed Energy Resource (DER) workshop.
- The Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) met on 6/25/15, in a WebEx-only ‘information session,’ since there were no voting items.
- ERCOT staff provided an update on the 6/18/15 Distributed Energy Resource (DER) workshop.
- ERCOT staff reviewed the progress of the Future Ancillary Services (FAS) redesign.
- ERCOT staff also listed potential improvements to the ERCOT budget process.
- The TAC Chair mentioned the need for an update to the PUCT on Real-time Co-optimization.
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Report: ERCOT’s Demand Side Working Group (DSWG) Meeting 6/10/15
Copyright 2015 by Competitive Assets, LLC. All rights reserved
At its 6/10/15 meeting, the Demand Side Working Group spent most of the time in a line-by-line review of the LMP-G (Locational Marginal Pricing) concept paper, drafting additional comments. The group also discussed the recent Emergency Response Service (ERS) procurement.
- The Demand Side Working Group (DSWG) met on 6/10/15.
- The group reviewed its goals for 2015.
- The group discussed a draft Nodal Protocol Revision Request (NPRR) on Emergency Response Service (ERS) Performance Calculations during TDSP Outages.
- The group also discussed NPRR564, Thirty-Minute ERS and Other ERS Revisions, noting that it needs some clarifying language.
- ERCOT staff provided an update on the ERS Procurement.
- The group spent most of the meeting discussing the LMP-G Concept Paper (as a consolidated draft black-line), and drafted additional notes.
To read more, please subscribe to ERCOT Monitor Reports. If you are interested in purchasing this ERCOT Monitor Reports issue, please click here. If you are interested in subscribing ERCOT Monitor Reports, please click here or call Competitive Assets at 512-581-0151.
Report: ERCOT’s Board of Directs (BOD) Meeting 6/9/15
Copyright 2015 by Competitive Assets, LLC. All rights reserved
At its June meeting, the ERCOT Board considered a number of NPRRs, reviewed the proposed budget for 2016-2017, and received several reports from staff. The weather report indicated a relatively mild summer for 2015.
- The ERCOT Board approved on consent a number of Nodal Protocol Revision Requests (NPRRs) and Planning Guide Revision Request (PGRR).
- The ERCOT CEO reported on finances, solar power, and LNG facilities.
- The ERCOT meteorologist provided an update on the upcoming weather.
- ERCOT staff provided a summer operations and communications update.
- ERCOT staff provided a briefing on major compliance activities in 2015.
- The Independent Market Monitor (IMM) reported on the money load pays for energy in real time.
- From the report of the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC), the Board considered NPRR662, Proxy Energy Offer Curves.
- The TAC Chair reported on the analyses of NPRR638, Revisions to Certain Price Components of Estimated Aggregate Liability (EAL).
- From the report by the Finance and Audit Committee (F&A), the Board considered the 2016-2017 budget and Administrative Fee.
- ERCOT staff provided an update on results of the special meeting of ERCOT Corporate Members.
To read more, please subscribe to ERCOT Monitor Reports. If you are interested in purchasing this ERCOT Monitor Reports issue, please click here. If you are interested in subscribing ERCOT Monitor Reports, please click here or call Competitive Assets at 512-581-0151.
Report: ERCOT’s Wholesale Market Subcommittee (WMS) Meeting 6/3/15
Copyright 2015 by Competitive Assets, LLC. All rights reserved
At its June meeting, the Wholesale Market Subcommittee considered a number of NPRRs, discussed several unusual events that led to higher costs, and reviewed new NERC standards for generators
- The Wholesale Market Subcommittee (WMS) considered a number of Nodal Protocol Revision Requests (NPRRs).
- WMS discussed ERCOT’s price correction policy during SCED failure.
- A representative of the Texas Reliability Entity (TRE) made a presentation on two new ‘generator obligations’ NERC standards.
- WMS discussed a recent event in the Houston area, when prices rose significantly.
- The Chair of the Outage Coordination Improvements Task Force (OCITF) reported on the group’s work.
- WMS discussed a recent even in the West Zone, with high congestion costs.
- From the Resource Cost Working Group (RCWG) report, WMS discussed several Verifiable Cost Manual Revision Requests
- The Chair of the Supply Analysis Working Group (SAWG) reported on the group’s work, including Real-Time Co-optimization and Multi-Interval Real-Time Market.
- The Chair of the Market Credit Working Group (MCWG) explained that the two credit groups and ERCOT staff further analyzed NPRR638, Revisions to Certain Price Components of Estimated Aggregate Liability (EAL)
To read more, please subscribe to ERCOT Monitor Reports. If you are interested in purchasing this ERCOT Monitor Reports issue, please click here. If you are interested in subscribing ERCOT Monitor Reports, please click here or call Competitive Assets at 512-581-0151.
Report: ERCOT’s Retail Market Subcommittee (RMS) Meeting 6/2/15
Copyright 2015 by Competitive Assets, LLC. All rights reserved
- The Retail Market Subcommittee (RMS) voted on three Retail Market Guide Revision Requests and draft revision requests.
- RMS also considered several Change Requests, which led to a heated exchange on their potential approval.
- The RMS Chair noted several upcoming workshops and training.
- The RMS Chair provided an update on the RMS/COPS Workshop V Interval Data Recorder (IDR) Meter Protocol Requirement Threshold.
- ERCOT staff reported on the following topics:
- Communication of unplanned retail system issues
- ERCOT IT Report June 2015
- Flight Testing Update
- IAG Impact by REP
- May 2015 IAG Numbers
- Browser Presentation
- Legacy Tool Migration Update.
To read more, please subscribe to ERCOT Monitor Reports. If you are interested in purchasing this ERCOT Monitor Reports issue, please click here. If you are interested in subscribing ERCOT Monitor Reports, please click here or call Competitive Assets at 512-581-0151.
Report: ERCOT’s Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) Meeting 5/28/15
Copyright 2015 by Competitive Assets, LLC. All rights reserved
At the May TAC meeting, participants discussed several revision requests and Other Binding Documents, and heard an update on the Ancillary Service Redesign and its cost/benefit analysis, followed by a long discussion. They also heard updates on several topics from ERCOT staff, including training and web browser support. .
- The Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) considered a number of Nodal Protocol Revision Requests (NPRRs) and other revision requests (not all were approved).
- Several NPRRs elicited discussions about the merits of the proposed language.
- TAC considered items from the Other Binding Document List.
- ERCOT staff provided an update on the Future Ancillary Services (FAS) project and the cost/benefit analysis.
- The staff presented proposals for FAS Procurement and Pricing (also, as a matrix).
- ERCOT staff presented updates on the following items:
- Re-write of Protocol Section 20, Alternative Dispute Resolution Procedure
- ERCOT Browser Support
- Market Participant Training Plan
- NPRR638, Revisions to Certain Price Components of Estimated Aggregate Liability (EAL).
To read more, please subscribe to ERCOT Monitor Reports. If you are interested in purchasing this ERCOT Monitor Reports issue, please click here. If you are interested in subscribing ERCOT Monitor Reports, please click here or call Competitive Assets at 512-581-0151.
Report: ERCOT’s Emerging Technologies Working Group Meeting 5/21/15
Copyright 2015 by Competitive Assets, LLC. All rights reserved
At its 5/21/15 meeting, the Emerging Technologies Working Group addressed various aspects of a new market participant – i.e., Distributed Energy Resource (DER). The participants also heard an extensive presentation from CAISO on California’s proposal for a DER Provider concept.
- The Emerging Technologies Working Group (ETWG) met on 5/21/15.
- The Chair announced a new workshop on Distributed Energy Resources (DERs).
- ERCOT staff provided an update on the next phase of the Request for Proposal (RFP) on forecasting of Photo-voltaic Generation Resources (PVGRs).
- The staff discussed the implementation timeline for NPRR615, PVGR Forecasting.
- The group reviewed ERCOT’s DER White Paper and filed comments.
- Representatives from the California ISO made a presentation on the DER Provider (DERP) Concept and Metering and Telemetry Options.
- A representative from CPower Corp. made a presentation on the ‘Modern Telemetry Capabilities.’
- At the end, ETWG discussed possible DER telemetry requirements.
To read more, please subscribe to ERCOT Monitor Reports. If you are interested in purchasing this ERCOT Monitor Reports issue, please click here. If you are interested in subscribing ERCOT Monitor Reports, please click here or call Competitive Assets at 512-581-0151.
Report: ERCOT’s Commercial Operations Subcommittee (COPS) meeting 5/13/15
Copyright 2015 by Competitive Assets, LLC. All rights reserved
At its May meeting, the Commercial Operations Subcommittee reviewed a new Load Profiling Guide Revision Request, heard a long update from the Retail Market Subcommittee, and considered a new communications plan for changes in Unregistered Distributed Generation.
- The Commercial Operations Subcommittee (COPS) met on 4/13/15.
- The Retail Market Subcommittee (RMS) Chair reported that the group considered a number of items.
- She also reported that training on Inadvertent Gains has started.
- ERCOT staff that Market Data Transparency IT systems met all System Level Agreement (SLA) targets in April.
- The Chair of the Communications and Settlement Working Group (CSWG) reported on the development of a plan to communicate DG changes.
- ERCOT staff reported on the DG report.
- The Chair of the Profiling Working Group (PWG) reported that the group considered a draft LPGRR, and will be reviewing a related Protocol Section.
- The Chair of RMS also provided an Update on the RMS/COPS Workshop V IDR Meter Protocol Requirement Threshold.
To read more, please subscribe to ERCOT Monitor Reports. If you are interested in purchasing this ERCOT Monitor Reports issue, please click here. If you are interested in subscribing ERCOT Monitor Reports, please click here or call Competitive Assets at 512-581-0151.
Report: ERCOT’s Wholesale Market Subcommittee (WMS) meeting 5/6/15
Copyright 2015 by Competitive Assets, LLC. All rights reserved
At its May meeting, the Wholesale Market Subcommittee considered many NPRRs, discussed a change to the Day-Ahead Market (DAM) Offer Bid Limitations, and voted on a clarification related to the allocation of minimum gas transportation costs in the fuel adder calculation. The group also reviewed performance of four vendors on Photo-voltaic forecasting.
- The Wholesale Market Subcommittee (WMS) considered a number of NPRRs.
- The Chair WMS reported on the Outage Coordination Improvements Task Force (OCITF) meeting.
- ERCOT staff reported on a new problem with the Day-Ahead Market (DAM) Offer and Bid Limitations, caused by an increase in transactions.
- From the update of the Resource Cost Working Group (RCWG), WMS discussed Real-Time Mitigation during Exceptional Fuel Events.
- The RCWG Chair reported that ERCOT staff were seeking clarification ‘on allocating minimum gas transportation costs in the fuel adder calculation.’
- The Chair of the Supply Analysis Working Group (SAWG) reported that ERCOT released the summer/fall forecasts and Capacity, Demand, Reserves (CDR) report.
- The Chair of the Emerging Technologies Working Group (ETWG) reported that ERCOT reviewed proposals/performance from four vendors on Photo-voltaic forecasting.
- The Congestion Management Working Group (CMWG) held a meeting in April (after a long break) and reviewed the Load Zone Assignment Methodology.
- The Chair of the Market Credit Working Group explained that the credit groups continue to review and refine NPRR638, Revisions to Certain Price Components of Estimated Aggregate Liability (EAL).
To read more, please subscribe to ERCOT Monitor Reports. If you are interested in purchasing this ERCOT Monitor Reports issue, please click here. If you are interested in subscribing ERCOT Monitor Reports, please click here or call Competitive Assets at 512-581-0151.
Report: ERCOT’s Retail Market Subcommittee (RMS) meeting 5/5/15
Copyright 2015 by Competitive Assets, LLC. All rights reserved
At its May meeting, the RMS members reviewed several changes to the Texas Test Plan and Flight Test Schedule, considered Retail Market Guide Revision Requests, and discussed upcoming and future training. Also, ERCOT staff provided updates on several new retail developments.
- The Retail Market Subcommittee (RMS) considered several Market Guide Revision Requests and other voting items.
- RMS also considered Change Requests from the Advanced Metering Working Group (AMWG).
- The Co-Chair of the MarkeTrak Task Force said that the group is planning training on the Inadvertent Gains processes.
- The Retail Market Training Task Force (RMTTF) had its first meeting in April. As the group decides on its priorities, one Co-Chair asked for input from Market Participants (MPs).
- The Vice Chair of the Commercial Operations Subcommittee (COPS) reported that the group heard an update on the Settlement Stability Data and also addressed the Unregistered Distributed Generation (DG) Threshold Trigger Communication Plan.
- ERCOT staff presented an update on ERCOT Browser Support and Changes.
- ERCOT staff provided an update on the most recent Flight Testing.
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Report: ERCOT’s Credit Working Group and Market Credit Working Group (CWG/MCWG) meeting 4/22/15
Copyright 2015 by Competitive Assets, LLC. All rights reserved
At its joint meeting in April, the ERCOT credit groups again reviewed NPRR638, discussed results of the Capacity Forecast Model, and heard updates on upcoming assignments. They also agreed that the Credit Risk Impacts and Modeling (CRIM) Task Force would continue to meet to address unresolved issues.
- The Credit Working Group (CWG) and Market Credit Working Group (MCWG) met jointly on 4/22/15.
- The credit groups reviewed several Nodal Protocol Revision Requests (NPRRs) for credit implications.
- The credit groups again discussed NPRR638, Revisions to Certain Price Components of Estimated Aggregate Liability (EAL).
- The Credit Risk Impacts and Modeling (CRIM) Task Force met in the afternoon to continue reviewing NPRR638.
- ERCOT staff reported that they are continuing to analyze the Capacity Forecast Model.
- ERCOT staff reported on new developments related to the market credit insurance.
- ERCOT staff said that they are working on new NPRRs.
- The Chair of CWG reported on a new assignment by the Board’s Finance and Audit Committee (F&A).
- At the end, ERCOT staff provided additional Credit Updates.
To read more, please subscribe to ERCOT Monitor Reports. If you are interested in purchasing this ERCOT Monitor Reports issue, please click here. If you are interested in subscribing ERCOT Monitor Reports, please click here or call Competitive Assets at 512-581-0151.
Report: ERCOT’s Commercial Operations Subcommittee (COPS) meeting 4/15/15
Copyright 2015 by Competitive Assets, LLC. All rights reserved
At the April COPS meeting, participants discussed the structure of new reports on settlement stability, how to prepare for changes to the Unregistered Distributed Generation process, and whether to maintain the Load Profiling Guide.
- The Commercial Operations Subcommittee (COPS) met on 4/15/15.
- The Retail Market Subcommittee (RMS) Chair reported that the group considered a number of voting items.
- ERCOT staff reported that Market Data Transparency IT systems met all System Level Agreement (SLA) targets in March.
- ERCOT staff presented an update on settlement performance for 1Q 2015.
- ERCOT staff announced personnel changes to the Settlement and Retail Operations Organization.
- During the report of the Communications and Settlement Working Group (CSWG), COPS members discussed how, and whether, to change the process/threshold for registering Unregistered Distributed Generation (DG).
- The Chair of the Profiling Working Group (PWG) reported that the group considered Load Profiling Guide Revision Request LPGRR055, Extend Load Profile Model Calendar Inputs to 2030. It may a COPS voting item in May.
- The Chair of the Market Information System User Group (MISUG) reported that ERCOT will distribute an online survey to Market Participants regarding preferences and interests for external web services.
- The Chair of RMS also reported on the RMS/COPS Workshop IV on IDR Meter Protocol Requirement Threshold.
To read more, please subscribe to ERCOT Monitor Reports. If you are interested in purchasing this ERCOT Monitor Reports issue, please click here. If you are interested in subscribing ERCOT Monitor Reports, please click here or call Competitive Assets at 512-581-0151.
Report: ERCOT’s Board of Directors (BOD) meeting 4/14/15
Copyright 2015 by Competitive Assets, LLC. All rights reserved
At its April meeting, the ERCOT Board considered a number of NPRRs, reviewed Independent Market Monitor’s report on recent prices in the ERCOT market, and considered a new transmission project. Also, the Chair announced a new Board member nominee.
- The Board approved on consent a number of revision requests.
- The ERCOT CEO reported, among other items, that net revenues are currently $2.2 million favorable.
- The Independent Market Monitor (IMM) reported on the level of prices in the first three months of 2015.
- The Chair of the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) noted the progress of NPRR638, Revisions to Certain Price Components of Estimated Aggregate Liability (EAL).
- The Board discussed the LCRA-CPS Energy Transmission System Addition.
- From the report by the Finance and Audit Committee (F&A), the Board considered the Acceptance of Financial Statement Audit Report and DAM Credit Parameters.
- The Board discussed a new meeting schedule and a Call for a Special Meeting of ERCOT Corporate Members.
- The Board’s Nominating Committee continued to search for a new member.
To read more, please subscribe to ERCOT Monitor Reports. If you are interested in purchasing this ERCOT Monitor Reports issue, please click here. If you are interested in subscribing ERCOT Monitor Reports, please click here or call Competitive Assets at 512-581-0151.
Report: ERCOT’s Retail Market Subcommittee (RMS) meeting 4/7/15
Copyright 2015 by Competitive Assets, LLC. All rights reserved
At its April meeting, the Retail Market Subcommittee considered several revision requests and change requests, in addition to updates on ERCOT and Smart Meter Texas outages. The participants also discussed several upcoming events.
- The Retail Market Subcommittee (RMS) voted on several Retail Market Guide Revision Requests and other procedures.
- A representative of the Joint Development and Operating Agreement (JDOA) gave an update on the recent problems and outages related to Smart Meter Texas (SMT) processes.
- A representative of TNMP explained the company’s recent problems with delayed LSE (Load Serving Entity) files.
- ERCOT staff made an in-depth presentation on ERCOT Retail IT Incidents.
- A proposal by the Advanced Metering Working Group (AMWG) to approve one Change Request led to a long discussion and close votes.
- The Co-Chair of the MarkeTrak Task Force discussed training on the Inadvertent Gains processes.
- RMS also discussed several upcoming events.
To read more, please subscribe to ERCOT Monitor Reports. If you are interested in purchasing this ERCOT Monitor Reports issue, please click here. If you are interested in subscribing ERCOT Monitor Reports, please click here or call Competitive Assets at 512-581-0151.
Report: ERCOT’s Wholesale Market Subcommittee (WMS) meeting 4/6/15
Copyright 2015 by Competitive Assets, LLC. All rights reserved
At the April meeting of the Wholesale Market Subcommittee, participants discussed a number of NPRRs, prioritization of projects, and how to resolve ‘exceptional fuel cost events.’ The group also approved the filing of several draft revision requests.
- The Wholesale Market Subcommittee (WMS) considered a number of Nodal Protocol Revision Requests (NPRRs) and draft revision requests.
- WMS had a long discussion about prioritizing the 2015 Strategic Initiatives.
- ERCOT staff provided an update on the Outage Coordination Improvements Task Force.
- The QMWG update discussed a future white paper on switchable generation and whether ERCOT should replace its use of wind chill factor in RUC procurement.
- The WMS members discussed a recent SCED (Security Constraint Economic Dispatch) failure and instances of delayed Day-Ahead Market (DAM) publications
- WMS voted on the future of the ‘Revision to 2015 Market System Enhancements Scope – Phase 2: OFF10/OFF30 (NPRR568, Real-Time Reserve Price Adder Based on Operating Reserve Demand Curve (ORDC)).
- There was another long discussion about NPRR664, Fuel Index Price for Resource Definition and Real-Time Make-Whole Payments for Exceptional Fuel Cost Events.
- ERCOT staff presented a report on the Distributed Generation Interconnection and Registration Challenges in ERCOT.
To read more, please subscribe to ERCOT Monitor Reports. If you are interested in purchasing this ERCOT Monitor Reports issue, please click here. If you are interested in subscribing ERCOT Monitor Reports, please click here or call Competitive Assets at 512-581-0151.
Report: ERCOT’s QSE Managers Working Group Meeting 3/27/15
Copyright 2015 by Competitive Assets, LLC. All rights reserved
At the March meeting of the QSE Managers’ Working Group, the participants reviewed a number of NPRRs, performance of renewable resources, and Supplemental Ancillary Services Markets. They also discussed a change to the procurement of Reliability Unit Commitment.
- The QSE Managers’ Working Group (QMWG) met on 3/27/15.
- ERCOT staff presented data on the February 2015 GREDP Performance.
- ERCOT staff presented the Supplemental Ancillary Service Market (SASM) Update.
- QMWG discussed several Nodal Protocol Revision Requests (NPRRs).
- The February 2015 Nodal Monthly Aggregate Wind Power Forecast (WPF) Report was presented, but not discussed.
- QMWG also discussed changing the use of windshield value for procurement of Reliability Unit Commitment (RUC).
To read more, please subscribe to ERCOT Monitor Reports. If you are interested in purchasing this ERCOT Monitor Reports issue, please click here. If you are interested in subscribing ERCOT Monitor Reports, please click here or call Competitive Assets at 512-581-0151.
Report: ERCOT’s Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) Meeting 3/26/15
Copyright 2015 by Competitive Assets, LLC. All rights reserved
At the March meeting of the Technical Advisory Committee, participants addressed a number of revision requests, reviewed subcommittee goals, and discussed changes to auction bid limits and the Seasonal Adjustment Factor. They also considered a new transmission project.
- The Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) considered several Nodal Protocol Revision Requests (NPRRs), Load Profiling Guide Revision Requests, Retail Market Guide Revision Requests, Planning Guide Revision Requests, and Nodal Operating Guide Revision Requests.
- TAC reviewed the list of Other Binding Documents.
- From the Reliability and Operations Subcommittee (ROS) report, TAC discussed the 2015 ROS Goals.
- TAC reviewed several previously tabled items, including revision requests.
- The Chair of the Wholesale Market Subcommittee (WMS) said that NPRR638, Revisions to Certain Price Components of Estimated Aggregate Liability (EAL), is still being discussed.
- The TAC members had a substantive discussion about a proposal from the Resource Cost Working Group (RCWG) to use a flag for ‘exceptional fuel events.’
- TAC discussed new Congestion Revenue Right Account Holder (CRRAH) Transaction Limits for CRR Auctions.
- The Chair of RMS presented an update on the latest RMS efforts.
- ERCOT staff provided an update on the Future Ancillary Services (FAS) project.
- ERCOT staff presented information on the CPS-LCRA Transmission Addition Regional Planning Guide (RPG) Project.
- ERCOT staff presented the Emergency Response Service (ERS) 2014 Annual Report.
- ERCOT staff presented a new proposal for the Seasonal Adjustment Factor.
To read more, please subscribe to ERCOT Monitor Reports. If you are interested in purchasing this ERCOT Monitor Reports issue, please click here. If you are interested in subscribing ERCOT Monitor Reports, please click here or call Competitive Assets at 512-581-0151.
Report: ERCOT’s Credit Working Group and Market Credit Working Group Meeting 3/10/15
Copyright 2015 by Competitive Assets, LLC. All rights reserved
The two ERCOT credit groups met in March to discuss the Seasonal Adjustment Factor, NPRR638, and Capacity Forecast Model. They also took up issues related to risk appetite and risk modeling.
- The Credit Working Group (CWG) and Market Credit Working Group (MCWG) met on 3/10/15.
- The credit groups had no Nodal Protocol Revision Requests (NPRRs) to review for credit implications.
- The credit groups again discussed NPRR638, Revisions to Certain Price Components of Estimated Aggregate Liability (EAL), which was approved in January.
- The credit groups reviewed the Seasonal Adjustment Factor back-cast results.
- ERCOT staff provided an update on the Capacity Forecast Model.
- The Chair of CWG reported on the development of the Market Risk Appetite Goal.
- The Chair of CWG also reported on the establishment of the Credit Risk Impacts and Modeling (CRIM) Task Force.
- ERCOT staff provided additional Credit Updates.
To read more, please subscribe to ERCOT Monitor Reports. If you are interested in purchasing this ERCOT Monitor Reports issue, please click here. If you are interested in subscribing ERCOT Monitor Reports, please click here or call Competitive Assets at 512-581-0151.
Report: ERCOT’s Wholesale Market Subcommittee (WMS) meeting 3/4/15
Copyright 2015 by Competitive Assets, LLC. All rights reserved
At its March meeting, the Wholesale Market Subcommittee discussed a number of filed and draft NPRRs, reviewed goals and strategic initiatives, and considered new CRR transaction limits. The group also debated how to reach consensus on NPRR638.
- The Wholesale Market Subcommittee (WMS) considered a number of Nodal Protocol Revision Requests.
- WMS discussed prioritization of the 2015 Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) Strategic Initiatives.
- ERCOT staff analyzed potential impacts on the Operating Reserve Demand Curve (ORDC) Phase 2, using historical data (related to ‘As-Built OFF10 and OFF30 Clarification’).
- The staff discussed a change to Congestion Revenue Right (CRR) Account Holder Transaction Limits for CRR Auctions.
- Procedures for Reliability Unit Commitments (RUCs) and Supplemental Ancillary Services Markets (SASMs) will be again discussed in a working group.
- WMS discussed the filing of a draft NPRR, Ancillary Service Assignment Settlement.
- From the Resource Cost Working Group (RCWG), WMS discussed a new Verifiable Cost Manual Revision Request and alternatives to NPRR664.
- The Chair of the Supply Analysis Working Group (SAWG) said that an analysis of the Real-Time (RT) Co-Optimization and Multi-Interval RT Market proposals seems more manageable now.
- The Chair of the Market Credit Working Group brought up NPRR638, Revisions to Certain Price Components of Estimated Aggregate Liability (EAL), and WMS discussed how to get consensus on it.
To read more, please subscribe to ERCOT Monitor Reports. If you are interested in purchasing this ERCOT Monitor Reports issue, please click here. If you are interested in subscribing ERCOT Monitor Reports, please click here or call Competitive Assets at 512-581-0151.
Report: ERCOT’s Retail Market Subcommittee (RMS) meeting 3/3/15
Copyright 2015 by Competitive Assets, LLC. All rights reserved
- The Retail Market Subcommittee (RMS) voted on the Impact Analyses for Retail Market Guide Revision Requests, RMS goals, a new task force, and several Change Requests.
- ERCOT staff reported that IT systems for Market Operations, Retail Market, and Market Data Transparency met all of the Service Level Agreement (SLA) targets.
- ERCOT staff responded to questions about MarkeTrak incidents in February.
- ERCOT staff held a workshop on Advanced Metering System (AMS) Data on 2/3/15.
- ERCOT staff reported that they are still evaluating revisions needed to support a newer version of Internet Explorer (11), but will continue to support IE8.
- The Vice chair of the Commercial Operations Subcommittee (COPS) reported that the group will spend more time addressing the growth of un-registered Distributed Generation.
- The Chair of RMS reported on the RMS/COPS Workshop IV on Interval Data Recorder (IDR) Meter Protocol Requirement Threshold v2.
- The Co-Chair of the MarkeTrak said that the group is planning more training.
To read more, please subscribe to ERCOT Monitor Reports. If you are interested in purchasing this ERCOT Monitor Reports issue, please click here. If you are interested in subscribing ERCOT Monitor Reports, please click here or call Competitive Assets at 512-581-0151.
Report: ERCOT’s Retail Market Subcommittee (RMS) meeting 3/3/15
Copyright 2014 by Competitive Assets, LLC. All rights reserved
In March, the Retail Market Subcommittee members addressed a number of voting items, including goals, a new task force, and Change Requests. They also reviewed in depth the recent MarkeTrak problems and a workshop on IDR Threshold.
- The Retail Market Subcommittee (RMS) voted on the Impact Analyses for Retail Market Guide Revision Requests, RMS goals, a new task force, and several Change Requests.
- ERCOT staff reported that IT systems for Market Operations, Retail Market, and Market Data Transparency met all of the Service Level Agreement (SLA) targets.
- ERCOT staff responded to questions about MarkeTrak incidents in February.
- ERCOT staff held a workshop on Advanced Metering System (AMS) Data on 2/3/15.
- ERCOT staff reported that they are still evaluating revisions needed to support a newer version of Internet Explorer (11), but will continue to support IE8.
- The Vice chair of the Commercial Operations Subcommittee (COPS) reported that the group will spend more time addressing the growth of un-registered Distributed Generation.
- The Chair of RMS reported on the RMS/COPS Workshop IV on Interval Data Recorder (IDR) Meter Protocol Requirement Threshold v2.
- The Co-Chair of the MarkeTrak said that the group is planning more training.
To read more, please subscribe to ERCOT Monitor Reports. If you are interested in purchasing this ERCOT Monitor Reports issue, please click here. If you are interested in subscribing ERCOT Monitor Reports, please click here or call Competitive Assets at 512-581-0151.
Report: ERCOT’s Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) meeting 2/26/15
Copyright 2014 by Competitive Assets, LLC. All rights reserved
At the February meeting, TAC members addressed a number of NPRRs and NOGRRs, discussed the need to harmonize NERC and ERCOT testing and modeling requirements for resource owners, and decided how ERCOT could be represented at TAC. They also agreed to create a plan for handling the growth of unregistered distributed generation.
- The Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) considered several Nodal Protocol Revision Requests (NPRRs) and Nodal Operating Guide Revision Requests.
- In her ERCOT Board report, the TAC Chair said that NPRR638, Revisions to Certain Price Components of Estimated Aggregate Liability (EAL) was extensively discussed by the Board.
- From the WMS update, TAC addressed the 2015 Day-Ahead Market (DAM) Collateral ‘e’ Factors.
- The TAC members discussed a revision to TAC Procedures on who would represent ERCOT at TAC.
- The TAC members discussed TAC’s 2015 goals and strategic objectives.
- ERCOT staff provided an update on the Future Ancillary Services (FAS) project, noting that they are waiting for the cost/benefit analysis from the Brattle Group.
- The Chair of RMS presented an update on the latest RMS efforts.
- From the Commercial Operations Subcommittee (COPS) report, TAC considered Load Profiling Guide Revision Request LPGRR054, Alignment with NPRR661, Discontinue Posting Profile Data Evaluation Report.
To read more, please subscribe to ERCOT Monitor Reports. If you are interested in purchasing this ERCOT Monitor Reports issue, please click here. If you are interested in subscribing ERCOT Monitor Reports, please click here or call Competitive Assets at 512-581-0151.
Report: ERCOT’s Board of Directors (BOD) meeting 2/10/15
Copyright 2014 by Competitive Assets, LLC. All rights reserved
At its first meeting of the year, the ERCOT Board confirmed the CEO and corporate officers, reviewed the 2014 load forecast methodology, and got an update on market prices. The ERCOT CEO noted two new reports, and the Board also approved transmission project in the area of Freeport. The subcommittee also reviewed its goals and several planned projects.
- The ERCOT Board elected its 2015 leadership.
- The Board approved on consent a number of Nodal Protocol Revision Requests (NPRRs).
- ERCOT CEO reported on a number of latest developments.
- ERCOT CEO highlighted the recently issued State of the Grid report.
- ERCOT’s analysis of the proposed Environmental Regulations and Future Electric Reliability indicates some concerns for system reliability.
- The Independent Market Monitor (IMM) reported on prices in 2014.
- From the report of the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC), the Board considered:
- System Change Request SCR783, Outage Scheduler Enhancements – Group 2, Usability and Filtering Enhancements, and
- NPRR219, Resolution of Alignment Items A33, A92, A106, and A150 – TSPs Must Submit Outages for Resource-Owned Equipment and Clarification of Changes in Status of Transmission Element Postings.
- ERCOT staff made a presentation on CNP’s Jones Creek Project to be located in the Freeport area.
- From the reports by the Finance and Audit Committee and Human Resources and Governance Committee, the Board considered a number of related items.
To read more, please subscribe to ERCOT Monitor Reports. If you are interested in purchasing this ERCOT Monitor Reports issue, please click here. If you are interested in subscribing ERCOT Monitor Reports, please click here or call Competitive Assets at 512-581-0151.
Report: ERCOT’s Commercial Operations Subcommittee (COPS) meeting 2/11/15
Copyright 2014 by Competitive Assets, LLC. All rights reserved
In February, the Commercial Operations Subcommittee reviewed plans for 2015 and considered Load Profiling Guide Revision Requests and a System Level Agreement. The members also discussed a new report on the Unregistered Distributed Generation in each load zone. The subcommittee also reviewed its goals and several planned projects.
- The Commercial Operations Subcommittee (COPS) reviewed the 2015 goals and working groups’ leadership.
- COPS reviewed Load Profiling Guide Revision Request LPGRR054, Alignment with NPRR661, Discontinue Posting Profile Data Evaluation Report.
- COPS reviewed the 2015 Market Data Transparency System Level Agreement (SLA).
- The Retail Market Subcommittee (RMS) Chair reported that the group considered:ERCOT staff presented information on the amount of un-registered Distributed Generation (DG) in each load zone.
- Retail Market Guide Revision Request RMGRR126, Additional ERCOT Validations for Customer Billing Contact Information File
- Smart Meter Texas Portal Change Requests
- 2015 Retail SLA
- RMGRR128, Reinstate Critical Care Status after Resolution of an Inadvertent Gain (IAG)
- ERCOT staff again reported on the efforts to move to a higher version of Internet Explorer, noting that no decisions have been made yet.
- The Chair of the Market Information System User Group (MISUG) explained that the ERCOT staff are working on language from the original Nodal Operating Guide Revision Request NOGRR084, Daily Grid Operations Summary Report.
- The Chair of RMS also reported on the RMS-COPS Workshop III on Interval Data Recorder (IDR) Meter Protocol Requirement Threshold.
To read more, please subscribe to ERCOT Monitor Reports. If you are interested in purchasing this ERCOT Monitor Reports issue, please click here. If you are interested in subscribing ERCOT Monitor Reports, please click here or call Competitive Assets at 512-581-0151.
Report: ERCOT’s Wholesale Market Subcommittee (WMS) meeting 2/4/15
Copyright 2014 by Competitive Assets, LLC. All rights reserved
At its February meeting, the Wholesale Market Subcommittee considered a number of NPRRs, discussed at great length prioritization of major projects, and approved new leaders. The subcommittee also reviewed its goals and several planned projects.
- The Wholesale Market Subcommittee (WMS) considered a number of Nodal Protocol Revision Requests.
- The Resource Cost Working Group (RCWG) is continuing to look at alternatives for NPRR664 Fuel Index Price for Resource Definition and Real-Time Make-Whole Payments for Exceptional Fuel Cost Events.
- From the RCWG report, WMS considered the filing of a Verifiable Cost Manual Revision Request (VCMRR) on Fuel Adder Timeline.
- ERCOT staff announced creation of a new task force.
- The WMS members discussed a draft NPRR, As-Built OFF10 and OFF30 Clarification.
- WMS approved the new leadership of its working groups.
- The WMS members discussed how to prioritize some of the major projects currently undertaken by ERCOT.
- WMS considered its 2015 goals.
- ERCOT staff reviewed the report it filed with the PUCT in Project No. 42302, related to reliability standards.
- The Chair of the Supply Analysis Working Group (SAWG) said that an analysis of the Real-Time (RT) Co-Optimization and Multi-Interval RT Market proposals (and/or draft NPRRs) will take a long time.
- The Chair of the Emerging Technologies Working Group (ETWG) reported that the group will invite a representative from New York to report on that state’s distributed generation efforts.
To read more, please subscribe to ERCOT Monitor Reports. If you are interested in purchasing this ERCOT Monitor Reports issue, please click here. If you are interested in subscribing ERCOT Monitor Reports, please click here or call Competitive Assets at 512-581-0151.
Report: ERCOT’s Retail Market Subcommittee (RMS) meeting 2/3/15
Copyright 2014 by Competitive Assets, LLC. All rights reserved
At the 2/3/15 meeting, the Retail Market Subcommittee reviewed several revision requests, discussed new change requests, and got an update on the latest Flight Test. The RMS also considered a revised System Level Agreement.
- The Retail Market Subcommittee (RMS) voted to approve the new leadership of its working groups and considered several revision requests.
- ERCOT staff reported that IT systems data for January were not ready.
- ERCOT staff presented a revised Retail Service Level Agreement (SLA) 2015 draft v2, with certain changes to the release schedule.
- ERCOT staff held a workshop on Advanced Metering System (AMS) Data on 2/3/15.
- ERCOT staff reported that they are still evaluating revisions needed to support a newer version of Internet Explorer (11), but will continue to support IE8.
- The Texas Data Transport Working Group (TDTWG) noted its 2015 goals.
- The Chair of RMS reported on the RMS-COPS Workshop III – IDR Meter Protocol Requirement Threshold (Interval Data Recorder).
- January 2015 numbers for Inadvertent Gains have been posted, and RMS Chair said that new training for IAG processes is being discussed.
- ERCOT staff reported on the current Flight Test, which is running more efficiently after some changes.
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Report: ERCOT’s Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) meeting 1/29/15
Copyright 2014 by Competitive Assets, LLC. All rights reserved
At its 1/29/15 meeting of the Technical Advisory Committee, members elected the new leadership, reviewed a number of NPRRs, and considered two procedural changes. They also discussed a new transmission project and a couple of workshops.
- The Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) re-elected Randa Stephenson (LCRA) as the Chair, and Adrianne Brandt (Austin Energy) as the Vice Chair, for 2015.
- TAC considered several Nodal Protocol Revision Requests (NPRRs) and a System Change Request (SCR).
- TAC members confirmed the TAC Subcommittee Leadership.
- A proposed Board Bylaw amendment, “regarding Segment Alternates for the Industrial and Large Commercial Consumer Sub-segments” was considered.
- TAC members discussed the possibility of prioritizing the various projects ERCOT is currently working on to make sure all have adequate resources.
- From the Reliability and Operations Subcommittee (ROS) report, TAC considered several revision requests.
- ERCOT staff reminded all about a workshop on the Future Ancillary Services (FAS) proposal and NPRR667, Ancillary Services Redesign.
- The ROS Chair reminded all about a workshop on the economic impact of Outage Scheduler.
- ERCOT staff made a presentation on CNP’s Jones Creek Project to be located in the Freeport area.
- ERCOT staff also presented information on the ‘Annual Review of the Market Impacts of Reliability Unit Commitments.’
To read more, please subscribe to ERCOT Monitor Reports. If you are interested in purchasing this ERCOT Monitor Reports issue, please click here. If you are interested in subscribing ERCOT Monitor Reports, please click here or call Competitive Assets at 512-581-0151.
Report: ERCOT’s Credit Working Group and Market Credit Working Group Meeting 1/20/15
Copyright 2014 by Competitive Assets, LLC. All rights reserved
At the January meeting, the credit groups addressed a number of NPRRs, discussed new proposals for Available Credit Limit calculations and risk exposure mitigation, and reviewed the Credit Work Group Charter.
- The Credit Working Group (CWG) and Market Credit Working Group (MCWG) met on 1/20/15.
- The credit groups reviewed several Nodal Protocol Revision Requests (NPRRs) for credit implications.
- The credit groups again discussed NPRR638, Revisions to Certain Price Components of Estimated Aggregate Liability (EAL).
- The groups also discussed three new NPRRs:
- NPRR671, Day-Ahead Credit Parameters
- NPRR673, Correction to EAL for QSE that Represents Neither Load nor Generation
- NPRR670, Clarification of Portfolio Weighted Auction Clearing Price (PWACP).
- Participants discussed Luminant’s proposal for Available Credit Limit (ACL) and ERCOT staff’s ACL Discount Impact.
- The credit groups discussed the Day-Ahead Market (DAM) collateral factors for 2015.
- The credit groups reviewed the draft CWG Charter, and discussed how best to coordinate the work and representation of the joint groups.
- The Chair of CWG presented an updated proposal on the Mitigation of Credit Tail Risk Exposure (i.e., a Letter of Credit (LOC) concept).
- ERCOT staff provided additional Credit Updates.
To read more, please subscribe to ERCOT Monitor Reports. If you are interested in purchasing this ERCOT Monitor Reports issue, please click here. If you are interested in subscribing ERCOT Monitor Reports, please click here or call Competitive Assets at 512-581-0151.
Report: ERCOT’s Commercial Operations Subcommittee (COPS) Meeting 1/14/15
Copyright 2014 by Competitive Assets, LLC. All rights reserved
At its first 2015 meeting, the Commercial Operation Subcommittee discussed the 2015 Market Data Transparency System Level Agreement, comments on an NPRR, and new settlement NPRRs. Also, ERCOT staff provided updates on the implementation of a couple of settlement projects.
- The Commercial Operations Subcommittee (COPS) elected Michelle Trenary (Tenaska) as the Chair, and John Schatz (Luminant) as the Vice Chair, for 2015.
- COPS considered comments by the Profiling Working Group (PWG) for NPRR661, Discontinue Posting Profile Data Evaluation Report.
- COPS considered the vote on the Market Data Transparency System Level Agreement (SLA).
- The Retail Market Subcommittee (RMS) Chair reported that the group considered:The RMS Chair also reminded participants about several upcoming events.
- Retail Market Guide Revision Request RMGRR126, Additional ERCOT Validations for Customer Billing Contact Information File
- RMGRR127, Efficiencies for Acquisition Transfer
- NPRR668, Updates to Texas SET Implementation Guide Process
- RMGRR128, Reinstate Critical Care Status after Resolution of an Inadvertent Gain (IAG).
- The RMS Chair also reminded participants about several upcoming events.
- ERCOT staff’s report showed that in December, IT systems for Market Operations, Market Data Transparency, and Retail Market met all of the Service Level Agreement (SLA) targets.
- ERCOT staff reported on the efforts to move to a higher version of Internet Explorer.
- ERCOT staff announced that some new settlement NPRRs may be implemented.
- The Chair of the Communications and Settlement Working Group (CSWG) reported on the implementation of NPRR580, Establishment of Rolling Congestion Revenue Right (CRR) Balancing Account.
- The Chair of RMS also reported on the RMS-COPS Workshop II on Interval Data Recorder (IDR) Meter Protocol Requirements.
- ERCOT staff reported on the implementation of SCR772, New Extract for Five Minute Interval Settlement Data.
To read more, please subscribe to ERCOT Monitor Reports. If you are interested in purchasing this ERCOT Monitor Reports issue, please click here. If you are interested in subscribing ERCOT Monitor Reports, please click here or call Competitive Assets at 512-581-0151.
Report: ERCOT’s Wholesale Market Subcommittee (WMS) Meeting 1/7/15
Copyright 2014 by Competitive Assets, LLC. All rights reserved
At its first meeting in 2015, the Wholesale Market Subcommittee agreed to consider more extensively: (a) the impact of higher Ancillary Service procurement on prices, (b) alternatives to the implementation of make-whole payments for certain fuel cost events, and (c) alternatives to Reliability Unit Commitment during cold weather. Also, the subcommittee will research the impact of outages on prices.
- The Wholesale Market Subcommittee (WMS) voted to keep Seth Cochran (DC Energy) as the Chair, and Bob Helton (GDF Suez) as the Vice Chair, for 2015.
- WMS considered several Nodal Protocol Revision Requests.WMS discussed recommendations contained in the 2013 State of the Market Report (by the Independent Market Monitor).
- WMS will consider an alternative to make-whole payments for certain fuel events because of high implementation cost.
- The WMS members discussed a new NERC standard and the impact of higher Ancillary Service procurement on prices.
- WMS noted that ERCOT staff may be reviewing the impact of outages on prices. Members then debated how best to manage outages/notices.
- The Chair of the Supply Analysis Working Group (SAWG) alerted WMS members to the posting of the 2014 Long-Term System Assessment Report for the ERCOT Region.
- The Chair of the RUC Task Force will continue to discuss alternatives to using RUC during cold weather.
- ERCOT staff will proceed with new time periods for ERS contracts.
- After the WMS meeting, there was a workshop on NPRR649, Lost Opportunity Payments for High Dispatch Limit (HDL) Manual Overrides.
To read more, please subscribe to ERCOT Monitor Reports. If you are interested in purchasing this ERCOT Monitor Reports issue, please click here. If you are interested in subscribing ERCOT Monitor Reports, please click here or call Competitive Assets at 512-581-0151.
Report: ERCOT’s Retail Market Subcommittee (RMS) Meeting 1/6/15
Copyright 2014 by Competitive Assets, LLC. All rights reserved
On 1/6/15, the Retail Market Subcommittee considered several revision requests, discussed changes to the System Level Agreement, and agreed on next steps for improving ERCOT test environment. The group also heard an update on a smart-meter project for low-income customers.
- The Retail Market Subcommittee (RMS) voted on new leadership for 2015.
- RMS considered several revision requests.
- ERCOT staff reported on the IT systems performance.
- During the update from the Texas Data Transport Working Group (TDTWG), RMS discussed a recommendation for improving the ERCOT test environment.
- ERCOT staff presented revised Retail SLA 2015 draft v2.
- ERCOT staff presented the January 2015 Project Update.
- ERCOT staff said that another workshop on Advanced Metering System (AMS) Data has been planned.
- ERCOT staff reported that they are still evaluating revisions needed to support a newer version of Internet Explorer (11).
- The Chair of RMS reported on the joint workshop with the Commercial Operations Working Group (COPS) on whether to review/revise the IDR-Required Threshold (Interval Data Recorder).
- Rob Bevill reported on the posting of the AMS Low Income Program – Implementation Plan.
- The Co-Chair of the MarkeTrak said that the group is considering new and ongoing MT training and also to make it mandatory for new market entrants.
- In the Advanced Metering Working Group (AMWG) update, the Co-Chair reported that many third-party providers are integrating into the system.
To read more, please subscribe to ERCOT Monitor Reports. If you are interested in purchasing this ERCOT Monitor Reports issue, please click here. If you are interested in subscribing ERCOT Monitor Reports, please click here or call Competitive Assets at 512-581-0151.